Dr. Lucas saw us this morning and after examining Ambrosia, he decided they needed to do an ultrasound on her abdomen to make sure there was sufficient blood flow to all the organs. This meant Ambrosia had to be NPO and couldn't eat until after the ultrasound. The ultrasound technicians came up to our room and Ambrosia was very good and laid still for them.

Wes took off work to come up and he asked the ultrasound technicians how the test went and they told him everything looked the same as the last ultrasound. Except they said something about the gallbladder. Awhile later the nurse practitioner came and told me the results of the ultrasound. Ambrosia has some sludge in her gallbladder along with a gall stone which could be the source of some of her pain. At this point in time they aren't going to do anything about it since her pain is under control with medication. Tomorrow I will be asking what they plan to do about it when they can and how they will monitor it until then.

The nurse practitioner also said they will continue to do blood tests to check the function of her liver and other surrounding organs. They did that this morning and all came back normal. She said the ultrasound showed Ambrosia's kidneys were a little enlarged as well. So they will continue to monitor that too.

For now Ambrosia's pain medication has been upped again for what she is continuously given, and I can also push the button to deliver more to her if I feel she needs it. She has been able to rest a lot more today without me having to hold her so I take that as a good sign. We probably still have some rough days ahead so continue those thoughts and prayers!
Julia Harley - Hill
4/2/2013 01:52:13 pm

Prayer go out to the family that God be with them. God Bless you


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