Today has continued to be a rough day. Ambrosia's heart rate has been up all of today which indicates she's in pain or working on developing a fever. Her pain medication was upped twice today to try and help control any pain she may be feeling. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have helped very much. She's been given some extra fluids as well.

After upping her pain medication twice, it was decided they needed to do a chest x-ray and an EKG just to make sure nothing else is going on besides pain. Her chest x-ray showed no complications. I have not heard about the EKG.

A little while ago, I had the nurse take her temperature again as I could tell she felt way warmer than she had all day. She had finally spiked a fever of 103. Blood cultures were taken and more fluids were started. Normally they would order a chest x-ray but since that had already been done they weren't going to do it again. They had already changed which antibiotics she was on so that was taken care of as well. She's been given Tylenol and hopefully her fever will subside. If it continues they will take another blood culture during the night. She will also be getting a blood transfusion tonight as well.

It's hard to see Ambrosia like this especially since she hasn't felt good enough to play. Most of the day has been spent holding her while she sleeps. If this is what it takes to get her cured then I can handle it.

Ambrosia's has filled up her first Beads of Courage necklace. The big bead towards the top left of the picture represents her stem cell transplant. The bead at the top right represents our stay in the hospital on Easter. She's going to have a lot of beads once we are through with this journey!
Marsha Toles-Smither
4/1/2013 09:49:25 am

Continuing to send Little Miss Ambrosia lots of thoughts and prayers...GOD has his hand on her and will continue to heal her.....


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