Yesterday the Infectious disease doctor team came to see Ambrosia. Before that a resident came and asked about her history. They were going to determine what kind of antibiotic she could be put on that I could administer at home. They of course came as I had to leave to get Braeden so I didn't actually get to talk to the whole team. After getting back with Braeden the nurse started Ambrosia on the antibiotic they decided to put her on. I began to nurse her and after awhile I noticed the top of her head was really red. This is how her reaction started with the other antibiotic.

I went and got her nurse and showed her how red her head was and then we lifted her gown and started to see red spots on her back and tummy. She went to talk to the resident who told her to give her a dose of Benadryl and she would be in to look at her. The resident came to look at her and by that point more red spots appeared on her back and tummy so we were sure she was having a reaction to the antibiotics they were going to send us home with. I knew then that this probably would put a damper in us being able to go home today.

Dr. Ayannar came and saw Ambrosia just a little while ago. She said because she had a reaction to the other antibiotic they will have to keep her on the one they had been giving. It has to be administered every 6 hours and that's not something they will let me do at home as it has to be given slowly over 1 1/2 hours through a syringe pump. She has to have several more doses and that puts us in the hospital until Christmas Eve.

Needless to say this has been upsetting for me. I have already decided I will have to leave earlier than usual today so I can go home and finish wrapping presents so that worry will be eliminated. We should definitely be going home on Christmas Eve as her numbers are good and hopefully there won't be any other issues. What upsets me now is that her chemo was being held back until after Christmas. I hadn't got an exact date yet but it seems as if we will be home for a day or two and then right back in for 6 days. I was hoping for a few days break.

As upsetting as it is, I have to remember this is all being done to keep Ambrosia as healthy as possible. It's easy to forget that at times ever so briefly but I usually snap out of it pretty quick. Can't say I don't feel the love here in the hospital as there is no shortage of volunteer babysitters at the nurses station for her if I need to leave and even just now another gift was dropped off to our room. That makes things a little easier sometimes....
Carrie Taylor
12/19/2012 12:36:32 am

I wish I could do or say something to fix this for you. But the end result is that she'll be healthy, so I guess that's what we need to focus on. Don't forget that you have lots and lots of people praying for you guys. And don't forget that we are only a phone call away! We love you! Mom (and Dad)


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