This morning on our way to take Braeden to school my cell phone rang. I immediately knew it was the clinic and wondered why they would be calling me. I thought perhaps they had the results of Ambrosia's urine sample from the previous day to make sure her UTI had gone. It was Jill, the scheduler for the office. She asked me if the hospital had by chance called me yesterday. I told her that they had not. She informed me that they had scheduled all of Ambrosia's pre-admission tests for today! Unfortunately for the CT scan, Ambrosia has to be 6 hours without eating or drinking and I had already nursed her this morning.

Jill said she would call me back and let me know when the test would be rescheduled. She called back a short time later and told me they were now scheduled for Thursday. We have to be at outpatient registration at 7 am. That's really early, but probably for the best as the first test is the CT scan. They can get it out of the way and then I can nurse Ambrosia as she doesn't have to be NPO for the other tests. After the CT scan Ambrosia has to have a heart echo and EKG and then the GFR test for her kidneys. As long as things run smoothly and on time, we should be out of there by 12:30.

We are hoping that tomorrow when we go to the clinic Ambrosia's numbers will be back up so that we can be admitted on Friday for chemo. Hopefully the CT scan on Thursday will show that the tumors are responding to her new chemo protocol and there will be no surprises!
Joyce Sturgill
2/12/2013 05:34:02 am

Prayer for you daily.


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