Our chemo ends tonight and we will be going home sometime tomorrow. Hopefully as early as possible tomorrow. Dr. Cheerva came to see us earlier today. She said she met with the tumor board here and they were all pleased with Ambrosia's progress thus far in her treatment. From her last CT scan of her liver and lungs, they said the tumor on her liver looked like it had shrunk significantly. So much so that it was hard to differentiate between the tumor and the liver. That means in a week and a half when we have another CT scan of the liver, if it is still hard to tell which is the tumor and which is the liver they will have to do an MRI. Depending on the results of that, they may move ahead with surgery if the tumors on her lungs are gone and they can for sure tell where and how the one her liver looks. If they decide they can't do surgery just yet then we will have at least 2 more rounds or more of chemo to go before surgery.

Ambrosia is still being her normal cheery self. The only problem we have run into is her appetite is being hindered by the medication. At first I didn't know why she didn't want to nurse starting yesterday, but today I remembered she did this with this round of medication the last time. They started giving her a scheduled dose of Benadryl in between her scheduled doses of Zofran to help manage her nausea and that seems to help her actually want to nurse. Luckily because they have been giving her the scheduled Zofran from the beginning we have not had any issues with vomiting at all. I will have to keep that up for the next week until her numbers go back up to a normal range.

We had a nice surprise today. One of the doctors from our initial visit to the PICU, who was there when we were told about the tumor on her liver, came by our room to see how Ambrosia was doing. He said he was also going to talk to Dr. Cheerva to check her progress.
I thought that was really nice of him to do.

I am happy to be going home tomorrow and hope we have no incidents that bring us back in before we are scheduled to! Fingers crossed!

Judy Young (St. Paul UMC)
1/8/2013 09:14:07 pm

Hope you will go home soon. We are holding you close with heartfelt prayers. May God bless all of you.

Peggy Groce McClure (Alan's classmate)
1/10/2013 08:46:39 am

I'm smiling as I catch up on the last 3 posts. So glad that while you are 'in the valley' you are still seeing and experiencing God's amazing love. Keeping Ambrosia in my prayers.


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