I didn't realize it had been so many days since I last updated the blog! We haven't had a lot transpire since I last wrote.

Friday, the home health nurse came out to the house and changed Ambrosia's dressing for her broviac line. The worst part of that for Ambrosia is having to be held still while it's done. Out of all the procedures and things she has done to her, the one thing that gets her crying and fussy is being held still. She takes everything else like a champ and actually has started to even get used to being held still.

Saturday, we decided to embark on a trip to the Newport Aquarium. We passed several cars that were either in a wreck or had gone off the highway into the median or ditches on the way there. We thankfully made it with no issues and the roads were completely clear on the drive home. In case anyone out there is interested, the Newport Aquarium is giving 2 free kids admissions with every ONE adult full price ticket purchased through this month! Pretty good deal. We had a great time.

Sunday, we pretty much had a low key day at home. Braeden and I had a couple of short snowball fights outside with what little snow was left. I turned on the Super Bowl and watched in between making dinner, playing with the kids and giving baths.

Today, we went in to the clinic for them to get counts and make sure she wasn't needing any transfusions. Her hemoglobin had dropped from 10 on Thursday to 8 today. Her platelets dropped from 400 to 127. She isn't due to go back to the clinic until Thursday, so the nurse is having home health come to the house on Wednesday to get another CBC drawn. She was afraid she may be in need of blood or platelets before Thursday came.

Throughout everything Ambrosia is still being her cheery, smiley, and cute self. She has had a little bit of issue with vomiting even with me giving her medication on time but it usually is only a little once or twice a day. No where near what is has been in the past.

Keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

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