We made it home Wednesday around 5:30 pm. Ambrosia ended up needing a blood transfusion before we could go home. She wasn't significantly low but she was low enough that they decided to give her a transfusion rather than us going home and having to come right back in for one. They scheduled home health to come to the house today to get a complete blood count from her. Our next clinic visit is on Monday morning. They will schedule a time for her CT scan when we go to the clinic on Monday for sometime on Friday the 18th.

Yesterday while I was cooking dinner, I had Ambrosia in her Jumperoo. She was jumping and playing. The next thing I knew she was crying. I looked at her and the tape that was holding her NJ feeding tube in place was barely hanging on and I could tell her tube had moved. I had to quickly pick her up before she moved it out any further and tape it back down. I literally almost caved to tears because I knew I was going to have to call the doctor and tell them what happened. I knew it meant a trip back to the hospital. I literally waited about 10 minutes debating with myself about calling, but in the end I knew I had to call.

I talked to Dr. Cheerva and told her what happened. As I already knew all the rooms were taken, the only room they had available was what they call a treatment room. I honestly have not seen this room or know exactly where it's located, but they said if I could wait an hour or so they would get it cleaned for me. I ended up waiting a little longer so that I could take Braeden to Wes' work as he got off and then headed to the hospital with Ambrosia. When we got there, it was determined we shouldn't have even needed a room. We just needed them to register us as outpatient so we could get an X-ray to determine if her NJ tube was still where it needed to be. If for some reason it wasn't, they were going to schedule it to be replaced the next day. We got X-rayed and luckily it had only moved slightly. After conferring with Dr. Cheerva, she decided it was still in an okay place to use so we were sent home. I just have to watch her for any signs of it giving her trouble.

Home health did come this afternoon to take her blood to get her complete blood count. I got a call from the nurse a little while ago, but she was asking if they told me what her white blood count was when we left and whether or not she was getting neupogen shots. She said she hadn't got the full report back for her counts yet. I expect if everything is okay I will not hear anything. Hopefully I won't receive any more calls about it tonight!

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