Ambrosia finished her chemo medicine earlier than expected on Saturday. She did great again and had no issues. She still played and giggled and was generally in her good mood like usual. We made it home around 5:30 last night. So far we have had no issues since being here either. Let's hope it stays that way.

Tomorrow I have to call the clinic and make an appointment for Tuesday for them to check her numbers. They will decide on Tuesday whether or not she will start her neupogen shots that night or not. Then we will also have to go back to the clinic on Thursday for her to get a chemo medicine called Vincristine. She has had them inject this into her line during her last clinic visit. It is a chemo medicine that helps slows the growth of the tumor in between her normal chemo visits.

Beyond what I have said above, I don't know the schedule for her next chemo round. I will be asking questions on Tuesday during her appointment about when her next round will be and if it will affect Christmas plans or not. I am hoping to have everything wrapped this week while Braeden is in school so if Santa needs to come earlier than Christmas we can be prepared for that. As much as I would like to be home for Christmas, I know that putting Ambrosia's health first is more important. Braeden won't know the difference if it's before, on or after Christmas.

We should be home for at least two weeks if all goes well. So let's hope that is the case!

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