Saturday we took our son to his first birthday party of one his classmates. The party was at Chuck E. Cheese so of course there were tons of kids everywhere. After we located his classmate and met her mom and grandmother, my husband and I sat at a table near the party table. The grandmother of the birthday girl came and sat with us and asked about Ambrosia. We told her she had cancer. She was sorry to hear it and said they would pray for her. Awhile later one of the kids running around stopped at our table and looked intently at Ambrosia. She asked why Ambrosia had the line in her nose. I never know what to answer when a child asks this question. Do I say she has cancer? Would a kid even know what that means? Would a parent want me to tell their kid about this horrible disease? I usually just answer that she needs it to get food because she's sick. That's usually enough of an answer. This little girl pushed a little more for answers but eventually went on her way. After the party, we ran some errands and then were able to enjoy the rest of the weekend at home.

Yesterday, Ambrosia began to have some issues with vomiting. This had me a little worried that something was going on with her numbers. I was afraid maybe she dropped again even though I gave her the neupogen shots Friday and Saturday. I was able to get doses of Zofran and Benadryl in her NJ tube and that seemed to help for several hours. She thew up one more time about 8:30 last night but she was due for more medicine that I gave and we haven't had any problems since. I don't know what the issue was but she never ran a fever or had any other symptoms. She is doing fine so far today.

This morning I got her ready to head to the clinic for our number check. The whole way there hoping and praying that her numbers were good enough for us to be admitted tomorrow. We got there and Ambrosia was being really chatty in the waiting room. This girl loves to hear herself talk. They called us back and took her blood and we sat there playing the waiting game. It didn't take too long for the nurse to come back with the best news. Ambrosia's ANC number was up to 5500. They wanted it to be at least 1000 to be able to start chemo. She's not quite at 48 hours after the neupogen, as that will be around 8 pm tonight, but it's a good sign she is recovering finally from her last round of chemo. Her platelet count had doubled from Friday which is a good sign.

So tomorrow morning we get to be admitted for round 6 of chemo. I believe we should be in the hospital for 5 or 6 days. I get confused sometimes as to how many days we will be in. And it sometimes depends on how late the chemo gets started. Let's hope everything is in order and they can get started right away!

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