We went to the clinic today for them to get counts and for her to get the vincristine chemo medicine. Yesterday, home health came out to get a CBC on her and the nurse called to let us know her hemoglobin had dropped a little more since Monday. She said to expect to have to get a blood transfusion today.

Fortunately, her hemoglobin had gone back up a little on it's own. Dr. Cheerva decided since she was on her way back up we didn't need to get a transfusion. They gave her the vincristine medicine and we were good to go! We have to go back on Monday for them to check and make sure her UTI from her last admission is gone as she finishes her last dose of antibiotics for that today. They are also scheduling her for the GFR test on the kidneys, heart echo and EKG, and another CT scan to take place next week. They are hoping to get all of that done so we can be admitted on Thursday for the next round of chemo.

I wish I had more things to report, but I should probably be grateful for the calm. That can always change at any moment.

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