We had a clinic visit today for them to check her numbers and to also make sure the UTI that they had been treating her for was gone. After quite awhile of waiting, the nurse practitioner came in with her count results. She had actually dropped in her counts. This was not something I was prepared for today. She needed to have a blood transfusion, which generally takes anywhere from 3 to 4 hours once they get it started. Since her numbers had dropped, they decided to have me start her neupogen shots again for two nights. We go back on Wednesday with the hopes her numbers have gone back up to stay. They are also supposed to be scheduling her pre-admission tests this week, but all of that depends on if her numbers go up for us to be admitted on Friday.

We got over to OMO for them to start her blood transfusion at about 12 pm. They had to draw blood to get her type and cross. Then it was a waiting game for them to get the blood. It didn't get started until 2 pm and didn't end until after 5 pm. Thankfully, I have wonderful parents with even more wonderful and understanding employers, who are able to leave and get my son from school and bring him to the hospital. So thanks to my dad that worry was gone!

Ambrosia has been quite the chatterbox today and I was able to capture some of that on video while we were waiting in the clinic. So now for your viewing pleasure, her adorableness:

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