I feel like I am about to share breaking news, since I literally just got off the phone with the clinic with a change of plans for tomorrow. Dr. Ayannar thought that doing a CT scan tomorrow was too soon since they normally do it after two rounds of chemo instead of just one. She talked to Dr. Cheerva who agreed and Ambrosia will not have a CT scan done tomorrow. This is fine as it means she doesn't have to be NPO and I also don't have to be at registration at 7 am! We now have to be there around 9:45 and she will have her heart echo, EKG and the GFR test.

Today Ambrosia's counts were up! Since we just gave her a neupogen shot last night, they have to wait 48 hours and get another count to make sure the numbers are still good without the neupogen. We will go back to the clinic on Friday at 8:30 am and they will check her numbers. If all is still good we will be admitted for chemo on Friday as well. We should be in for a total of 5 or 6 days again for this cycle. Hopefully they will be able to start the chemo shortly after we are admitted and we can get rolling!

Home health came and changed the dressing on her broviac line today. The nurse was looking at pictures I have on my wall and asked if it was Ambrosia. They were actually pictures of my son around 4 months and 7 months old. She thought they look just alike. I have always thought Ambrosia looks just like Braeden did when he was a baby. We finally got Ambrosia's professional pictures back, so as soon as I get some frames her baby pictures will join his on the wall as well!

We have a busy couple of days ahead of us so keep your fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!
Praying for all
2/13/2013 05:31:36 am

Praying gor all. God Bless.

Brenda Toles - Taulbee
3/22/2013 11:41:35 pm



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