Ambrosia had her 3rd clinic visit today. They were pretty much just checking her numbers to determine if she had dropped enough for them to start her neupogen shots back up again. Her numbers are still good so we don't need to start shots just yet. We will be going back to the clinic on Thursday for her to get a chemo medicine called vincristine that just goes into her line. They will recheck her numbers on Thursday to determine whether or not she will need to start her neupogen shots then.

I asked when her next round of chemo would be and the nurse practioner said it is two weeks from when the last round started. That would make her next round start on December 20th. This puts us in the hospital on Christmas. Depending on what time they actually start the chemo on the 20th, we may make it home in the afternoon on Christmas. Unfortunately I don't see how they can change the schedule around too much as they don't want to allow the tumor any chance of growing by delaying the chemo. I may ask on Thursday about it just out of curiosity, but I don't know if we would be able to start a day sooner or delay it at all. We will see!

Ambrosia is doing well so far still at home. We haven't had any issues. No vomitting this time around as I am pretty vigilant about giving her the Zofran medicine she has prescribed for nausea. I have alarms on my phone set to go off when all medicine is supposed to be given so I don't forget! She also really loves the dogs and goes a little crazy when she sees them. I don't think she ever really paid much attention to them before but now that she does she thinks they are pretty great!

We appreciate everyone's continued support and prayers! 
Carmen Thompson
12/11/2012 07:50:43 am

Anja, please know that my prayers are with Ambrosia and all of your family. Thank you for the blogs. My students (at school) have taken Ambrosia into their hearts and offer their prayers as well.


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