Today is the last day they will start her high dose of chemo this afternoon. It will run until tomorrow afternoon. Then on Friday she will get her stem cells back, which is referred to as her transplant.

Ambrosia's chest x-ray apparently showed signs of pneumonia or something being caused by the tumors on her lungs. They are going ahead and treating her as if she has pneumonia to be safe, but her blood cultures so far have not come back with anything growing positive. I am going to take this as the chemo is doing it's job and shrinking those tumors and that's why she has been feeling puny. Her fevers haven't lasted long and not gotten high enough in my opinion for it to be pneumonia.

They tested her urine again to check her kidney function and today her test came back with only a 70something score, so they will be adjusting her chemo medicine. I just hope with all the adjusting they are having to do that the tumors are still going to respond and shrink more than the 25% we need them to!

Last night, her nurse came in to give her the medication she gets at 8 pm only to discover that her NJ tube was clogged! She had not been on feeds at all yesterday and only had been given medication through the tube. Our nurse last night thinks that maybe she wasn't being flushed with enough water behind her medication for it to go all the way through and maybe that caused the clog. We tried the normal methods of trying to get it unclogged by trying to get some Coke in and then the little concoction the pharmacy has to put in too. Neither worked so this morning we had to go down to the fluoro x-ray department and get it replaced. Ambrosia is always a trooper with this and never has to be sedated. She's not happy about it and cries while they do it, but she stays relatively still (with help) and doesn't fight too much while they place the new tube. She's such a trooper! One of the technicians gave her a big stuffed bunny for being so brave. That's the second stuffed animal she's gotten today as a volunteer gave us a stuffed puppy earlier. I am sure there will be no shortage of gifts during our stay again this time.

I received several more Cheer cards today! Thanks to everyone for sending them. It's nice to read them and know how many people are thinking of Ambrosia and our family.
Jennifer Haber
3/25/2013 07:47:09 am

Dear Hopper Family
Your dear Ambrosia is continually in our prayers. We pray over the chemo, may it be effective beyond expectations.

Much more may GOD deliver the healing! We trust with our hearts joined with your hearts in making this so.

Please know your families combined are being lifted in our prayers.

Thank you for updating us specifically which impacts how we pray.

I have shed tears with you. I know you have many balls you are juggling all at once. I am amazed at how you keep them all up in the air. I pray extraordinary strength from the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY for you and Wes as you continue with this dynamic struggle.

With love, Jennifer and Henri Haber


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