I hope every one had a great time celebrating the New Year arriving and I hope this year is a great one for you! We had a good time celebrating with family and friends (minus my husband who was working).

Today Ambrosia had a clinic visit. We were there quite awhile before Dr. Cheerva came back to see us. I wasn't sure what was taking so long but as it turns out she was retyping up Ambrosia's road map for treatment so that anyone who looked at it would know exactly what was going on and planned. Ambrosia is still doing good and all her numbers are still up where they should be. We will go to the hospital on Friday for her 4th round of chemo.

We are supposed to be there around 8:30 in the morning and will be in the hospital 5 days. While we are there, neurosurgery will do a follow up about the bleed in front of her head. They will probably order a CT scan of her head to make sure it has gone away. They had ordered for her platelet count to stay above 80 and today in the clinic it was over 300. I'm hoping that means everything has cleared itself up.

Dr. Cheerva mentioned that 2 weeks after the start of this chemo they will do another CT scan of her liver and lungs. The surgeons may look and decide everything is small enough for removal but just in case that isn't what they say, she has another 2 rounds of chemo planned. She said after surgery they may still do two rounds before doing the high dose of chemo that will put us in for 6 weeks.

I do not know what the recovery time will be for the surgery whenever that takes place. I know they will tell us when the time comes and the surgeons are the ones that will be the ones to answer that question. We still have a long road ahead but we are still taking things as they come. It's the only way to stay sane.

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