I didn't realize it has been so long since I updated the blog. There really hasn't been a whole lot to update about. Ambrosia had still been feeling yucky but her pain seemed to be under control. Her pain medication was upped a couple of more times to help keep her pain down. After a few more days of feeling bad last night she started to act like she was feeling so much better. Last night while she was sleeping her heart rate got as low as 118 which is awesome as her heart rate has been continually in the 140's. Hopefully that means she was able to rest really well last night.

Today, she has been up and playing and babbling some. That's so great to see when just days before all she would do is let me hold her or sleep. I got her play mat out and she played for awhile on it to get some exercise. She is a little wobbly sitting up as she hasn't been doing much of that while she was sick. Physical therapy came today to see her to reevaluate her needs. She's doing good, we just have to work to get her strength back a little bit. Speech also came today and tried to get her to eat small pieces of a banana and some baby food. She wasn't too interested except to play with it all.  They will be checking back again more often now that Ambrosia is feeling a lot better.

This evening right before shift change for the nurses, Ambrosia threw up some. She got it on her clothes so I had to change her outfit. She was sitting up in her bed after I had just put her new shirt on. While standing in front of her I picked up her blanket and moved it to the couch. I literally turned my head while I threw her blanket and the next thing I knew she had lost her balance. She hit her head on the bars of her crib behind her. Her nurse was still in the room when it happened. I picked her up immediately. We couldn't see any bumps and unfortunately her crying made her whole head red so it was hard to tell where exactly she hit. Since she's had to have platelets almost every day for the past couple of weeks, they had to do a CT scan to make sure there were no issues.

I, of course, feel horrible even though this was a total accident. We went down to CT and the technician asked why we were there. I had to repeat the story. That's the hardest part, having to tell it over and over again.

Here's a picture of Ambrosia during her CT.
The resident came in little while after we got back from CT and said she had taken a look and didn't see anything but would have to wait on the radiologist to read it to be certain. Hopefully nothing will come from it except maybe needing to up how low her platelets can get before she needs a transfusion.

Even with the little hiccup at the end it's been a good day. I am just glad Ambrosia is back to herself! They may start to lower her pain medication slowly to see how she acts tomorrow. So fingers crossed that goes well and she doesn't need it as much!

*I forgot to mention Flashes of Hope! There is a group that comes annually to take pictures here of the kids. They asked if I would like Ambrosia's picture taken and I said sure. She had only been awake from a nap for a few minutes when they came in, so she wasn't extremely smiley. They took quite a bit of pictures so it will be interesting to see them. I really don't know if I will be getting copies or what, but I certainly won't turn any down that they want to give me!
4/10/2013 01:30:13 pm

CT was clear, FYI people reading.

Geraldine Blank
4/11/2013 01:24:44 am

Have been praying that God will look after your little girl. Also for you as a family. You do a wonderful job with the blog. Remembering your husband and son. Jesus said, "Without me you can do nothing." Trust Him. John 15:5 "Love"


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