After that first good day of Ambrosia being back to normal, they started to lower her pain medication. They also started her feeds back up very, very slowly. Things seemed to be going fine except yesterday and some the day before, Ambrosia would not let me out of her sight for a second. As soon as I was out of her line of vision she would be screaming. It was a lot of holding her again. Our nurse at night got to thinking that maybe the neupogen she had been getting to help her counts come back up was causing her some pain. We tried a different pain medication to see if that helped.

The new pain medication seemed to help but only slightly. Ambrosia didn't rest very well that night which of course meant that I didn't either. Yesterday was more of the same. They decided to stop her feeds in case that was a source of her pain. Doing that really didn't make a difference so her feeds were started back up today. Last night her nurses decided to try some ativan, which they have used before to help calm her down some. The combination of that and some benadryl and pushing her pain medication seemed to help her be able to rest. They had also not given her the neupogen last night because her counts were good.

This morning Dr. Cheerva came to see us to see how Ambrosia was doing. They decided to hold off on lowering her pain medication for today to see how she does. Dr. Cheerva thinks it was the neupogen causing Ambrosia some pain. Ambrosia is going much better today. She has been resting a lot this morning but is playing now.

One of my friends posted this picture on my Facebook page:
That saying is definitely true. I never knew how strong I could be until Ambrosia was diagnosed with cancer. There is no other choice for me but to be strong. Ambrosia and my family are counting on me to be strong. So that's what I am doing and will continue to do long after this battle is won.
Julia Giles Harley Hill
4/17/2013 06:20:23 am

I went to church with your dad and family. Our family's grew very close durning the you dad and I grew up. I was not a we're of your daughters condicition until just latley. I am praying for the whole family, GOD IS GOOD and well help us trough more than we


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